PIME has a court hearing in less than a month with the Bureau of Elections, and I’m writing to ask you to put on your investigator hat. PIME is arguing that Sec. of State Jocelyn Benson violated the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) when she joined Michigan in the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC). You can help us in the battle to clean up the mess that our voter rolls have become, in large part, due to her legally unauthorized decision.
Here's how:
Know anyone who was registered without their permission? Michigan military, seniors/veterans in residential facilities, Americans with disabilities, homeless people, residents in group homes, new citizens or non-English speaking voters, incarcerated felons, and memory care patients in nursing homes—all these folks may have been registered to vote without their consent. They could well have been registered even after they declined to register.
We need to know about them.
Email your informatation to
Please send us your examples with as much detail as possible. We want to show the judge what is happening to our embattled and bloated voter rolls.
Erick Kaardal, special counsel to the Thomas More Society, filed a complaint on Sept. 19. Pure Integrity Michigan Elections and I are the plaintiffs. A hearing with Michigan's Bureau of Elections is scheduled for Dec. 13.
Any examples you can provide regarding the abuse of eligible but unregistered (EBU) voters or ineligible but registered (IBR) voters would be helpful and appreciated.
Did you know?
In Sept. 2020, Michigan's sec. of state sent out postcards to unregistered voters. If they did nothing, she said, "You'll be automatically registered" to vote. What could go wrong with that approach?
Actual image of the postcard
To no surprise, 113,809 names were added to the voter rolls 30 days later. See the bump:
Survey. DUE TODAY!
We need feedback from election volunteers. Let your voice be heard and help others learn as much as possible from your first-hand accounts. Please complete the survey link below, and feel free to forward this to anyone you know who worked or volunteered at the election.
WE ASK EVERYONE TO COMPLETE AND RETURN THE SURVEY by Close of business TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15. Here’s the survey link:
Having Trouble Submitting Tabulator Tapes?
Send photocopies of precinct tapes to
Emily Bauman
if anyone wants to help from here forward please email me:
News of Note:
Steve Bannon War Room: Communist-party-funded group authors policy brief: How to Count More Mail-in Ballots
Key takeaways:
--Reagan "could see the groundswell forming around his conservative agenda
--He also knew internal fighting and blame would only distract from the opportunity. --Reagan projected optimism and a clear strategy to fix what needed fixing as evidenced by a personal note he wrote a depressed supporter shortly after his '76 defeat.
"Going on with what God has given us, confident there is a destiny, somehow seems to bring a reward we wouldn't exchange for any other," the eventual 40th president penned his fan.
--Reagan's rebound strategy was imposed instantaneously and with four years of relentless discipline.
--More than 7 in 10 Americans believe the Biden Democrats — like the Carter Democrats — are taking the country off a cliff. That's a massive advantage waiting to be seized with a fine-tuned message.
--Make the Georgia Senate runoff the party's unifying moment.
--Stop unilateral disarming on absentee ballots. Reagan's team had a simple rule: Always be princpled, but never unilaterally disarm. The 2023 version of the GOP should take note.
--While legitimately taking on mail-in balloting for 2024, Republicans also should work to change the laws to ensure that all ballots are filed and counted on Election Day, a concept that 80% of Americans support.
--Impose Reagan's 'No exploding hand grenades in the foxhole' rule.In my final interview with George H.W. Bush, the former president recounted the most famous advice Reagan gave him. "George, if you are ever tempted to pull the pin on a hand grenade in our own foxhole again, for God's sake toss it into the enemy's bunker from now on," Reagan told Bush
Thank you for your hard work and diligence.
For election integrity in Michigan,
Patrice Johnson, Chair