Don't miss: MFE's Zoom at Noon this Thursday
Every Thursday, task force members across the state join to share the latest information about citizen actions to restore integrity to Michigan's elections. Register today and plant to join .

Members only.
Sorry no press.
Don't miss: National Working Groups

This week:
Vulnerable Voters, 4 PM, Tuesday (today), Jan. 10
Citizen's Research Project, 7 PM, Tuesday (today), Jan. 10 (each week)
Legislation, 2 PM Wednesday, Jan. 11 (each week)
Voter Rolls, 4 PM, Wednesday, Jan. 11 (each week)
Election Technology, 4 PM Thursday, Jan. 12 (semi weekly)
Next week:
Vote by Mail & U.S. Postal Service, 4 PM, Tuesday (today), Jan. 17
Citizen's Research Project, 7 PM, Tuesday (today), Jan. 17 (each week)
Legislation, 2 PM Wednesday, Jan. 18 (each week)
Voter Rolls, 4 PM, Wednesday, Jan. 18 (each week)
Ranked (Rigged) Choice Voting, 4 PM Thursday, Jan. 19 (semi weekly)
Coming this Saturday. Don't miss:
