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Election Integrity News Blog


Cleta Mitchell interviews Patrice Johnson 'Turning Election Integrity Lights On in Michigan'

Updated: Feb 10, 2023

Watch: Cleta Mitchell interviews Patrice Johnson, 'Turning Election Integrity Lights On in Michigan'

Patrice Johnson is a native Michigander and resident of central Michigan. Her experience as a trade association executive and entrepreneur in the early days of the Internet have provided her with the organizational skills to create and lead grassroots organizations focused on election integrity in her state.

Pure Integrity Michigan Elections was started by Patrice and a handful of citizens with concerns about fair elections, and has grown into an influential state powerhouse with a network of over 1,000 individuals coming together to protect the state’s elections.

PIME identifies and reports on many aspects of election integrity, including addressing guidance from Michigan’s own Secretary of State that contravenes the law, creating relationships with local election officials, reviewing legislation and crafting amendments, and researching the serious concerns about ERIC (Election Registration Information Systems) founded by George Soros, funded by taxpayers, and blocking election transparency.

PIME is also involved with the SecureMIVote petition that would allow the state legislature to pass Voter ID laws into law – even with a veto from the Governor – if enough signatures are gathered and the bill is passed by the Michigan House and Senate.

Join Patrice and Cleta and learn about the steps necessary to create an influential election integrity organization making a real impact.

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