We The People CAN win back and secure OUR future.
Join us for this week's Coalition Task Force Meeting at Noon today.
After registering, you will receive an email with details on how to join the meeting.
Note: Representatives of the media are allowed in our meetings only with prior permission.
Important Notes and Disclaimers for Election Integrity Network National Working Groups and coalition calls
We operate under strict 501 (c)(4) non-profit, non-partisan guidelines. Please do not make any comments during the call or in the chat that are directly related to any campaign or candidate running for office or could be considered an endorsement or opposition of that candidate.
All calls are “off the record.” This means that no members of the media are allowed on our calls without permission and this rule also applies to participants. No comment or presentation can be shared outside of the call without the express permission of the speaker. This includes the call "Notes" available to our participants.
We always welcome new participants but ask that all newcomers register with their own registration link. Please do not forward your personal link to another participant.
For the security of the call, if you join by phone, you may be asked to unmute and provide your name.
This meeting is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice or instruction to lobby on behalf of any issue or organization.
Pure Integrity Michigan Elections
Coalition Task Force Meeting
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM, Jan. 9, 2025, via Webex.
PIME Mission: To help restore fair and unbiased elections in Michigan through local task force coalitions, legislative action, and litigation.
Update from Patrice Johnson, Chair
Sharon Bemis, President, and Mike Hoffman, Election Integrity Network
--Exciting news from EIN and introduction to Mike Hoffman, new team member and resource
Bryan Posthumus
--Constitutional proposal to require proof of citizenship to register to vote and require proof of identity to cast a ballot
Kristine Christlieb
--Updates from the Communications Team
Jacky Eubanks
--Director of Field Operations
Sheree Ritchie and Dee Davey
--Report from the Legislative Committee
Patrick Colbeck
--News & Upcoming Events (RSVP today for Saturday in Novi)
New business:
Next Task Force Coalition Meeting: Thurs., Jan. 16, 2025, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM meeting.
Please donate to Michigan Fair Elections.
MFE is a fiercely independent, tax-exempt 501(c)3 charity. We rely on voluntary contributions to fund our important, and sometimes costly, work. Legal claims are sometimes essential to improve the government and protect citizen rights, and they can be expensive.
Please support MFE's investigative research, honest journalism, and litigative actions to defend We the People's inalienable rights as protected in the U.S. Constitution. Donate today to assist our educational efforts to protect the principles of individual liberty in America.
Mark your calendars to attend Election Integrity Network's outstanding National Working Groups. Consider also serving as liaison to report to the Task Force Coalition on our Thursday News@Noon meetings.
A link to the full list of National Working Group Meetings is HERE (All meetings are noted in Eastern time.)
The views of attendees and presenters are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the PIME or MFEI organizations.