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MFEI News & Commentary


Ottawa County embraces founding principles. Reminder: Zoom at Noon tomorrow

Don't miss: MFE's Zoom at Noon tomorrow, Thurs., Feb. 2

You are invited to join us tomorrow. Learn about the major grassroots victory in Ottawa County. See what leaving no one behind looks like.

Join coalition task force members across the state tomorrow. Share the latest information about citizen actions to restore integrity to Michigan's elections. Register today. Agenda below

Members only.

Sorry no press.

Echoing the private financing of public elections that critics saw as heavily favoring Democrats in 2020, some of America’s richest foundations are pouring money into a similar effort again, in the face of more organized conservative resistance.

The Audacious Project, part of the TED Foundation, funds many groups with "left-of-center policy goals," says the conservative Influence Watch.

The Audacious Project A nonprofit group called the Audacious Project, whose supporters include the Gates and MacArthur foundations and the Bridgespan Group, a consultant whose clients include Planned Parenthood, has committed $80 million to a progressive organization, the Center for Tech and Civic Life, to provide grant funding to run local elections.

And then there's this absurd-to-laughable piece:

"New board members on the Ottawa County Commissioners locked in on a single agenda item Tuesday — cleaning house."

Thomas More Society WIN!

Is Mark Houck a dangerous criminal, or a man targeted by Merrick Garland’s Justice Department to score political points?

Mr. Houck, 48, has been on trial for violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances, or the Face Act—for shoving a patient escort outside an abortion clinic in 2021. If convicted he faced 11 years in prison. On Friday the jury deadlocked, but on Monday it returned its verdict: not guilty.

This was a case that never should have been brought.


MFE Coalition Task Force Meeting

Michigan Fair Elections

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM, February 2, 2023, via Zoom. Link:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Patrice Johnson, Chair, Mich Fair Elections and Pure Integrity Michigan Elections


Jason Snead, Honest Elections Project

--Report: “Zuck Bucks” 2.0: How to push back against the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence attempts influence our elections

Bill Richardson

--Legislative committee update

Sheree Ritchie

--Update on kickoff to 2023 House/Senate Election Committee meetings

Margie Gillean

--Welcome new leaders. Ottawa County: A triumph at the local level.

Erick Kaardal

--Litigation Update

Ned Jones (after 12:30)

--Major strides against the US Alliance for Election Excellence across the nation. EIN National workshop schedule and offerings

Ron Armstrong

--EIN letter to RNC/DNC to support election integrity

Discussion & new business

Next Task Force Coalition Meeting: Thurs., Feb. 9, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM meeting. Recurring weekly link. Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system: Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Weekly:

PIME meeting this Saturday:

"Misinformation - Disinformation," join Patrick Colbeck for the latest information during the next live and in-person PIME meeting Feb. 11.

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