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MFEI News & Commentary


Our first victory in our fight against bad election bills!

Please contact your Representative to keep HB4210 from going for a vote in the House!


I have some good news for a change! The House Democrats pulled HB4210 from the floor today because they didn't have the votes to pass it. This means there is bi-partisan opposition to this bill. According to Representative Smit, "the bill could still come up for a vote tomorrow or this week". Please contact your Representative TODAY to keep the pressure on and don't allow them to pressure Representatives into changing their minds, regardless of which party they are in.

As a reminder, HB4210 would expand the number of people who would be able to vote via email, which is not a secure form of casting a vote, as testified to by the University of Michigan's Dr. Halderman, co-chair of Michigan's Cyber Security advisory committee (appointed by Jocelyn Benson).

If you aren't sure who your Representative or Senator is, use the links below to find out.

Click on the "Read more" button below for our talking points on HB4210 if you want more info to contact your Representative. Or, you can just tell them to vote no on HB4210.

Thank you for taking action!

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