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Election Integrity News Blog


Gearing up for Halloween--and Election Day: Be right. Be polite. Be prepared.


As we gear up to work the polls, we must make a special effort to print our binders on election law and remind ourselves to DOCUMENT. Whether we will serve as election inspectors, poll challengers or observers, we must resolve never to allow ourselves to become goaded into any sort of reaction, no matter if someone is badgering us or in-our-face rude.

Ours is a fine line to walk here. We are to be right and be polite, not to fix things. And never to allow ourselves to get angry or react to anything that someone might direct our way.

All, please participate in the Manhattan Project. Today is Countdown Day 8, and materials to share will be sent out at 10 a.m. We can Stop Prop 2 if we share, share, share!

Thank you for all you're doing to restore integrity to our elections. We are having a dramatic effect! Check out what's cooking and the news below.

For election integrity in Michigan,

Patrice Johnson, chair

TONIGHT: You are invited Vulnerable Voters Working Group call, OCT 31, 7 EST

Please join us on Monday, October 31 at 7 PM EST for the National Vulnerable Voters Working Group: As our Working Group director Kerri Toloczko has an unavoidable alternate commitment, we are honored that Lynn Taylor, President of the Virginia Institute for Public Policy and founding member of the Virginia Fair Elections Coalition will be hosting this meeting. AGENDA: 1. Ned Jones, Deputy Director of Election Integrity Network: Are election offices working directly with leftwing groups on campuses? What can we as election integrity advocates do to protect college ballots? 2. Bob Carlstrom and Andy Magione of The Association for Mature American Citizens and Lori Roman of the American Constitutional Rights Union: Joint AMAC and ACRU project to protect senior voters. 3. If you have vulnerable voter projects, questions or suggestions from your own experiences, please let us know during the "round robin" segment of the call. Reminder: short Election Integrity Master Class videos can be found on Lesson 13 and 14 are specific to all aspects of vulnerable voters. See you TONIGHT at:

From Bill Richardson I'd like to share some important voting references as we approach Election Day. First, is the tri-fold we created for Waterloo Township.The tri-fold describes all of the constitutional conservative candidates on the ballot and gives information on the proposals. It applies to any voting precinct in the state, except for the House and Senate Candidates. Those will be different according to District. This information is available on the Website our Waterloo Precinct Delegates put together, including links to the actual proposal language, so you can read them all yourselves.

Here is the link --> Please let me know if you have questions. Contact Thanks, and please make sure all of your friends get to the polls on November 8!

News of Note:

--"Unverified Ballots" in Pennsylvania. The Republican legislature in PA is asking why 240,000 ballots have been sent out without proof of photo ID, and/or the last four digits of the voter's SSN. The legacy media is calling it "misinformation." Yet, in reading reports, it may be true -- with the caveat that "unverified" voters have days after the election to verify themselves.

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